When you have so many things to do in this world and realize that the time is very limited, you need to pull up your socks and get going with it without delay because fulfilling a wish is not as difficult as savoring the pleasure of having experienced it in a lifetime.
The best way to be happy is to be satisfied with whatever little you have like for example, if you are entertained for a bit through playing with friends outside or video gaming with them inside, then even that would be enough to get you enormous satisfaction.
We’ll begin this article by mentioning an important mobile game that has become the darling of the younger generation in a short time and continues to grow great guns ever since its launch.
Playing Cards
AFK Arena is an action packed adventure that involves a game of playing cards, which by the way is not enough to stir the imagination of today’s gen folks as they would assume it to be a normal card game like FreeCell, Hearts and Solitaire but this one is very different.
It takes place in the mythical city of Esperia where you have beautiful buildings surrounding the landscape with lush greenery on different sides with two different teams that have taken it upon themselves to kill the bad guys and free the city from their tyrannical rule.
The process involves hunting for precious stones and diamonds where you have to tackle wild animals but luckily, you are fully prepared with arms that would give you an added advantage over them but, just like any valiant warrior, you have to use them only in self defense without attacking innocent bystanders.
The team that involves different players are categorized as ‘Heroes’ despite it being dominated by females but their girl power is so strong that they are dubbed ‘female fatales’ by regular players of the game that have become their fans in a big way.
Ran Horn
It is important to mention Ran Horn when the topic involves AFK Arena, which is a place that you would get to see only after your tutorial period is complete because you need to practice well before getting into the bigger game as the enemy circle is too strong for any novice to clear.
Just like you need Lords mobile cheat for clearing the more difficult levels of Lords mobile, similarly you need AFK Arena cheat codes that have to be downloaded before you start gaming otherwise it will become very difficult for you to clear the ran corn phase and get into the temple of ascension.
Once the guild level is cleared, you can visit the library in the labyrinth of Ran horn where you can gain access to the Field of Stars, Unions, The Elder Tree where you can grant bonuses to the heroes that would need it as they are tired after a long hauled fight against the enemy.
These bonuses are proverbial lifelines that boost their immunity to a high level that would help them in the advanced levels that get tougher as the game progresses on.