Ms. F. owned a nearby business and was referred to our office by a mutual client. She had extensive dental treatment including crowns, multiple bridges, and root canals completed in the late ’90 from the best dental service provider Bensalem Bucks Dental. She was not happy with the lifeless look of her current dental work and desired improved esthetics.
An examination was completed revealing several failing root canals, decay, and gum disease. A treatment plan was formulated.
The treatment plan included treatment of the gum disease, several extractions, 10 dental implants, and complete rehabilitation with 24 highly esthetic ceramic crowns and bridges.
Ms. L came to our office after being referred to us by her son and daughter-in-law who are clients. She was unhappy with her smile and was wearing an upper part that was uncomfortable and unattractive. She wanted to improve her smile and ability to chew. Ms. L opted for dental implants and upper and lower removable implant-retained prosthesis.
After a CAT scan, the surgery was planned. Ms. L was sedated by our anesthesiologist and all remaining teeth were removed. Six upper and 6 lower implants were placed in the jaws. The gums were then stitched closed and the temporary dentures fit over the healing gums.
The implants heal for approximately 8 weeks before impressions were made and the prosthetic implant teeth were fabricated. The upper teeth “snapped” in and the lower teeth were held in by a metal rail called a bar.
Mr. M was unhappy with the bridge that he has had for about 20 years. The bridge was loosening he was unhappy with its appearance.
Mr. M did not want removable teeth. A CAT scan was ordered and his case discussed with a local oral surgeon. Eight upper and 6 lower implants were planned and 4 individual bridges for the upper jaw and 3 individual bridges for the lower jaw were fabricated.
Mr. M was sedated, the bridge removed along with the remaining teeth removed. All 14 dental implants placed along with several temporary implants to support the temporary teeth.
Appropriate healing time was allowed, impressions made, and then the 7 bridges fabricated.
During one of the final fitting appointments, the patient was so satisfied with his appearance that he opted not to have any final coloration added to the bridges. He liked his new bright, white teeth and felt like finally smiling after 20 years.
Ms. A worked near our office and came in for a consultation regarding her front teeth. She worked directly with the public and was embarrassed by her smile. Additionally, she was on a budget and was primarily concerned with treating her upper front teeth.
After examining her, a treatment plan was devised. Subsequently, hygiene, extractions, and teeth whitening were performed. Two bridges were fabricated to restore the upper front teeth.
Ms. V came to our office desiring improved esthetics. Her current bridgework was almost 30 years old.
After evaluating a CAT scan, it was determined that the remaining teeth in combination with a large amount of bone loss would not support new bridges. The client then considered dental implants. In consultation with a local periodontist, a treatment plan was devised consisting of 4 upper and 4 lower implants attached to denture snaps called “Locators.”
The remaining teeth were removed and 8 implants placed. Immediately after placing the dental implants, a temporary set of dentures was inserted.fabricated.
After an appropriate healing time, a set of overdentures was made. Overdentures are similar to conventional dentures but modified to attach to dental implants. Ms. V’s upper teeth were made with a metal plate to allow improved prosthesis strength, easier speech, eating, and drinking.