One social media belief that was validated for me at Social Media Marketing World this month was that helping others helps yourself. I have always practiced this belief in my personal life and strive to do the same with my business. Sometimes it’s easy to forget in social media. It’s a give-and-get culture and before asking others to do things for you, we should be looking at how we can give to our communities.
This is a philosophy that can be applied to personal social media use as well as business usage. Let’s explore both:
Personal Social Media
In personal social media you have the freedom to use your accounts however you want, within the guidelines of the site. However, there is etiquette on most sites and there is basic social etiquette to keep in mind. In addition to this, your behavior on social media will shape what type of people you attract to your accounts. It’s important to be aware of this so you’re not attracting the type of people you don’t want to have hanging around your accounts. In addition, we can apply the “give to get” philosophy to personal social media. The selection of the safe and secure payment should be done to have the benefits. Buy TikTok views PayPal as it will provide massive opportunities to the people. The best social services are provided at the platform to get the desired results.
When you are generous in your actions and your posts, people who interact with you are much more likely to be generous back. If you are most often positive, then you will generally see a positive attitude in response from most of your social media connections. If you complain a lot, or seem in a negative mood, those are the types of reactions you are most likely to get from those who connect with you.
Asking “How can I help you?” in your personal social media is a fantastic way to be the best you that you can be. It allows you to learn more about your connections and their true needs and desires and it allows you to gain a feeling of accomplishment of knowing you are making a difference to someone. You will be remembered as that person who helped or made a difference in someone’s life. It could be as simple as sharing a message or making a connection. And you can bet that people will remember who you are when you take that extra time to do something for them.
Now let’s look at how this also applies to business social media usage.
Business Social Media
When using social media for business, there is often a misconception that you need to be all about selling and promoting. The truth is, we all get enough of that every day from all directions. Everywhere you turn someone is selling or marketing something. John C. Maxwell said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” and this is another belief that can be used in social media as well.
Take time to show that you care by asking “How can I help you?” and then do your best to provide that help, if possible. Then when people see that you care, they will care more about what you (or what you’re pitching). Social media is about building relationships and you can’t do that well if you’re constantly in sell mode. Take time to talk, listen and learn. Take time to make a difference. People will remember your brand much more for what you’ve done for them than for you trying to convince them to buy.
This is one lesson I have learned both from those experts who come before me and also from my own experiences. And finally, I have learned that through helping others first, I discover a lot about myself and my business. Opportunities present themselves that I may have overlooked, I become connected with people in the most profound and exciting ways and when I need someone to help me, there is always someone there with support.